• W Szczecinie czujemy się już jak w domu.

    W Szczecinie czujemy się już jak w domu.

    Hi! This tuesday was very diversity.  We’ve practice squash, saw another amazing view of Szczecin and also enjoyed a great jazz concert. We are already feeling in home in Szczecin.

    Cześć! Ten wtorek był bogaty w atrakcje. Graliśmy w squasha, ponownie podziwialiśmy wspaniałą panoramę Szczecina, a także słuchaliśmy koncertu muzyki jazzowej . W Szczecinie czujemy się już jak w domu.

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  • Szczecin miastem pełnym historii

    Szczecin miastem pełnym historii

    I recently had the opportunity to take a ride on the Szczecin Tourist Tram line. I’ve been in Szczecin for about a month now, so I’ve taken the tram many times and I’ve seen most of the tourist points in the city. I was a little bit unsure if it was a good idea to go after having already spent so long here. I was really glad that I did get to see the city in a unique way, especially because my experience in Szczecin became quite different shortly afterwards.

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  • Today is a special day^^

    Today is a special day^^

    From the agenda I knew that we were going for rock climbing already, I was imagining something like an enormous wall and then we’ll take turns to climb up to the top and that’s it, because that is what I did in Hong Kong. But when I got to GEKO, I was so surprised that it is such a small place, there is no super tall wall, but they have the entire place filled every corner with rocks, especially with some very cute rocks in the shape of teddy bear, turtle or giraffes etc.

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  • Od historycznego po smaczny Szczecin

    Od historycznego po smaczny Szczecin

    From historical to delicious Szczecin – Od historycznego po smaczny Szczecin

    Today we got to see another side of Szczecin – its historical stories via museums and art galleries: Muzeum Narodowe na Wałach, Muzeum Historii Szczecina, and art gallery Trafostacja.

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  • Red Route – Czerwony Szlak

    Red Route – Czerwony Szlak

    Hi! Today (09/07) it was time for the Red Route, a city tourism route with 7km long loop wich connects 42 sites around the city. This red dotted line painted on the pavement take us to see the most interesting and important historic buildings and monuments of the city. It’s a simple and intelligent idea, a very good way to know the history of city.

    Cześć! Dzisiaj (9.07) nadszedł czas na Czerwony Szlak, miejski szlak turystyczny o długości 7 kilometrów, który obejmuje 42 miejsca. Ta czerwona przerywana linia, namalowana na chodniku zabiera nas na wycieczkę po najbardziej interesujących i odgrywających ważną rolę w historii miasta budowlach i pomnikach. Czerwony Szlak jest prostym i inteligentnym pomysłem – bardzo dobrym sposobem na poznanie historii miasta.

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  • Time traveller

    Time traveller

    Time traveller – Podróżowanie w czasie

    Imagine you have the ability to travel through time, wouldn’t that be amazing, I’m sure most of us at least once wondered how would it feel to live in another era. I like to think that going to museums and visiting old buildings is like travelling through time, I see myself living in these places or using the objects of that age.

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